Code share entre Air Europa et GOL


Au départ de Sao Paulo, de Recife, de Salvador de Bahia et de Fortaleza, Air Europa desservira 20 autres villes au Brésil, grâce à l’alliance conclue avec la compagnie brésilienne.

Air Europa a franchi une nouvelle étape dans son développement international. A partir de janvier 2020, la compagnie desservira plus de 20 villes brésiliennes, au départ de Sao Paulo, de Recife, de Fortaleza et de  Salvador de Bahia , dans le cadre du code share passé avec GOL Linhas Aéreas, la compagnie aérienne du Brésil la plus importante pour les vols intérieurs, sur la base de la part de marché.
Grâce à cette alliance, Air Europa pourra exploiter 78 vols intérieurs en partage de code et offrir à ses passagers venant d’Europe – via Madrid – des correspondances parfaites et un large choix de vols vers quelques-unes des principales villes du Brésil. L’accord actuel entre les deux transporteurs aériens sera ainsi étendu.

L’attachement d’Air Europa au Brésil et sa volonté de poursuivre sa croissance internationale, en assurant plus de correspondances intérieures dans ce pays, ont conduit à cet accord avec GOL.
Les synergies qui en résultent, se traduiront aussi par un flot accru de touristes européens vers le Brésil et par des avantages considérables pour les passagers prenant un vol exploité en partage de code, comme l’achat d’un billet unique, un seul enregistrement ainsi que des correspondances plus pratiques et plus faciles, avec un temps d’attente réduit au minimum.

Le directeur des ventes chez Air Europa, Imanol Pérez, a exprimé sa satisfaction à l’égard de cet accord, «qui nous permet de présenter à tous nos passagers de nouvelles et fascinantes destinations au Brésil. Nous sommes très fiers de l’accord conclu avec GOL. Notre collaboration avec cette compagnie nous donne toutes les garanties possibles de croissance dans le secteur de l’aviation au Brésil».
De manière similaire, Randall Aguero, le directeur des alliances, de la distribution et du développement international chez GOL, a déclaré : «Nous sommes très heureux d’avoir des vols en partage de code avec Air Europa. GOL est le leader du marché au Brésil. La compagnie gère un réseau vaste et varié dans ce pays. Nous proposons, en outre, des produits et des services de grande qualité, pour que nos clients réalisent les plus beaux voyages. Nous avons investi dans des partenariats qui apportent de plus en plus d’avantages à nos clients. Quant aux grands voyageurs, ils pourront bientôt obtenir des miles et les utiliser dans les deux programmes de fidélité, Smiles et SUMA».

Cet accord illustre la confirmation de l’attachement d’Air Europa au Brésil, où la compagnie opère depuis plus de 20 ans. Aujourd’hui, elle effectue des vols directs de Madrid vers Sao Paulo, Salvador et Recife. À partir de la fin de décembre, elle desservira également la ville de Fortaleza et renforcera ainsi sa présence dans le triangle touristique au nord-est du Brésil.
L’alliance comporte aussi un accord relatif à SUMA et Smiles, les programmes de fidélité respectifs des deux compagnies aériennes, qui permet aux passagers d’obtenir des miles et de les utiliser pour leurs vols.

À partir du 20 décembre, Air Europa desservira Fortaleza
Fortaleza, la capitale de l’État du Ceará dans le nord-est du Brésil, sera desservie par Air Europa, deux fois par semaine (trois fois par semaine, à partir de juin 2020). Cette ligne étoffera considérablement l’offre de la compagnie au Brésil et s’ajoutera à celles qui existent déjà vers Salvador de Bahia, Sao Paulo et Recife.
Air Europa lancera cette nouvelle liaison Bruxelles – Madrid – Fort​aleza le 20 décembre (les mercredi et vendredi).
Les deux vols hebdomadaires passeront à trois, à partir de juin 2020.

Horaires des vols au départ de Bruxelles :
• Départ de Bruxelles à 10h55, avec arrivée à Fortaleza à 20h10.
• À partir du 21 juin : 3 vols par semaine, les mercredi, samedi et dimanche.

Appareil : Airbus 330-200 d’une capacité de 299 passagers, dont 24 en classe affaires.
Air Europa propose également des départs d’Amsterdam, de Düsseldorf et d’Orly. Grâce à l’ajout de Fort​aleza au Brésil, Air Europa porte à 24 le nombre de ses destinations sur le continent américain et renforce sa position de spécialiste des liaisons avec l’Amérique latine.

Allemagne Romantique : 4 manifestations incontournables en 2020

Feux d’artifice, fêtes, bons vins et délicieux mets seront au rendez-vous

Photographe: (c)Tourist_Info_Boppard – (c)Tourist_Info_Boppard

En 2020, les visiteurs auront de quoi se réjouir. Certains temps forts organisés en 2020 en Allemagne Romantique, une région située à l’est, directement à la frontière franco-allemande, sont incontournables. Pour ces occasions, les châteaux, châteaux-forts et forteresses romantiques seront mis en scène, le Rhin transformé en scène et les vignobles serviront de piste de danse géante. Ceux qui souhaitent faire de leur séjour en Allemagne Romantique un voyage unique et être plongés dans l’ambiance et la joie de vivre des habitants de la Rhénanie-Palatinat, ont tout intérêt à noter ces quatre événements organisés l’an prochain.

« FestungsLeuchten » à Coblence (du 9 au 13/04 et du 17 au 19/04/2020)

La deuxième plus grande forteresse d’Europe, la forteresse d’Ehrenbreitstein, sera illuminée au printemps. De mille feux. Sons et lumières invitent à suivre un parcours spécial à travers ses vieux murs. Le « Kaiserjahr 2020 – Faszination Mittelalter » (Année impériale – Fascination Moyen-Âge) a servi d’inspiration pour les artistes chargés de créer les sons et lumières. Les visiteurs pourront contempler cet univers magique mais aussi y participer lors d’un second rendez-vous en avril.

Plus d’informations :

La fête « Le printemps du vin du Rhin moyen » à Boppard (26/04/2020)

Si vous pensez que faire la fête signifie manger sur une grande tablée et tenter quelques pas sur la piste de danse, nous allons vous prouver le contraire. Boppard à sa propre manière de faire la fête. Elle se fait dehors et en mouvement, lors d’une petite randonnée printanière. La fête ne se limite pas à un seul endroit, mais s’étend sur 5 kilomètres à travers les vignobles. Le long du chemin, sur des petits stands situés entre les vignes, des vignerons locaux et de jeunes cuisiniers proposent de déguster leur spécialité.

Plus d’informations :

Fête du vin de la Moselle moyenne à Bernkastel-Kues (du 3 au 07/09/2019)

Les châteaux et châteaux-forts féériques situés sur le bord de la Moselle sont des témoins de l’histoire royale. Pour une ambiance véritablement royale à Bernkastel-Kues, il faudra toutefois attendre septembre : lors du couronnement de la Mosella, la reine du vin de la fête du vin. À l’occasion de cette cérémonie, de nombreuses manifestations seront organisées. Sur la route du vin, des dégustations seront proposées, des groupes se produiront sur la scène, des feux d’artifice illumineront le ciel le samedi soir et un cortège du vin rendra hommage à cette fête traditionnelle.

Plus d’informations :

Rhein in Flammen® (le 04/07, du 08/08 au 12/09 et le 19/09/2020)

Sur l’eau ou sur la terre ferme, les visiteurs pourront admirer des explosions de couleurs et de lumières, qui confèreront aux villages à colombages féériques et aux villes le long du Rhin. Cette manifestation remonte à l’année 1756. En 2020, les traditionnels convois maritimes parcourront 5,5 km lors des quatre dates sélectionnées. Les feux d’artifice sont programmés à la minute afin que les feux d’artifice éclairent les châteaux et châteaux-forts exactement lors du passage des bateaux. Des escales sont prévues à Bingen, Spay, Coblence, Oberwesel, St. Goar et St. Goarshausen.

Plus d’informations :


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Représentants des marchés internationaux
TourComm Germany GmbH & Co. KG
Tel.: +49 (0)6201 60 208 29
Fax: +49 (0)6201 60 208 29

Demandes générales :

Rheinland-Pfalz Tourismus GmbH
Löhrstraβe 103-105
56068 Koblenz Allemagne
Fax : +49 (0) 261 / 915 20 – 40

LOT announces new flights between Warsaw and Washington D.C.


Warsaw, 30th December 2019 – Starting 2nd June 2020, LOT Polish Airlines will launch a direct connection from the Polish capital to Washington D.C. It will be the 10th route of the Poland’s flag carrier connecting Poland and the United States. Flights to the capital of the United States will be operated three times a week by Boeing 787 Dreamliner.

The flight, during which LOT’s Dreamliners will cover over 7 thousand km, will take a bit longer than 9 hours. It will therefore be the fastest way to travel from Poland and the entire CEE region to Washington D.C. Flights  on this route will be operated as from 2nd June 2020 three times a week, according to the following timetable:

LO39 WAW-IAD 16:50-20:30            on Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays

LO40 IAD-WAW 22:25-13:25 (+1)   on Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays

says Rafał Milczarski, CEO of LOT Polish Airlines.

Washington is home both to the most important administrative units in the USA and have their headquarters or main branches located here: Amazon, Hilton, Discovery, MARS, as well as arms companies (General Dynamics).

Moreover, Washington is also an attractive tourist destination.Now Poles can easily travel to the USA for tourist and business purposes without a visa.  The new connection perfectly complements our offer of direct flights to North America, and of course significantly strengthens our flight network with regard to flights to the United States – adds Rafał Milczarski, CEO of LOT Polish Airlines

Flights to Washington D.C. will be operated with Boeing 787 Dreamliner, one of the most advanced wide-body airplanes in the world. Thanks to the use of state-of-the-art technology, they allow to maintain a higher pressure and higher air humidity on board than other passenger aircrafts in this class. All those factors help enhance passengers’ comfort during such a long flight and reduce the so-called jet lag effect. LOT Premium Economy Class with larger, individual space and footrests, comfortable thigh support, cocktail tables and extensive menu as well as LOT Economy Class with modern seats and individual on-board entertainment screens as well as USB ports.

LOT’s offer comprises as many as over 120 scheduled flights all around the world. In 2019 LOT carried  10 million passengers, nearly one million more than in the previous year and as many as 5.7 million more than in 2015.

LOT Polish Airlines now offer as many as 20 long-haul flights. Today, the Polish carrier offers flights from Warsaw: to New York [JFK/EWR], Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami, San Francisco, Washington D.C. [IAD from 2.06.2020], Toronto, Tokyo, Seoul, Beijing [PEK/PKX], Singapore, Delhi and to Colombo. Moreover, from Cracow to Chicago and New York [JFK as from 3.05.2020], from Rzeszow to New York [EWR], and from Budapest to Chicago and New York City [JFK] and Seoul.

Tickets for flights to Washington D.C. are going on sale now in all sales channels, including

Slovenia among the safest countries to visit in 2020

An annual Travel Risk Map for 2020 has been released by International SOS. The safest countries are Denmark, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Luxembourg, Switzerland and Slovenia.

Safety plays a major role in selecting holiday destinations and travel industry is much aware of this. For this very reason, the annual reports on safety, such as the Travel Risk Map composed by International SOS are very much awaited.
For 2020, the safest countries to travel to are mostly located in the northern hemisphere – and Slovenia is among them (next to Denmark, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Luxembourg and Switzerland).The colour-coordinated map has five categories, ranging from “insignificant” to “extreme” medical and travel security risks. This includes infectious diseases and political violence.
Further information is available here. If you plan to visit Slovenia, check out some of the very useful information on the Slovenian webpage.

Delta Air Lines Rejoining Airlines for America

Carrier will be part of industry trade organization representing leading U.S. airlines.

ATLANTA & WASHINGTON, December 18, 2019 — Delta Air Lines (NYSE: DAL) is rejoining Airlines for America (A4A), the industry trade organization for the leading passenger and cargo airlines in the U.S.

“Delta and our employees look forward to rejoining A4A and working jointly with other airline members to address issues that impact our people, our customers and the communities we serve,” said Delta CEO Ed Bastian. “We are committed to the future of commercial aviation, and will work together with A4A to support priorities like promoting sustainability initiatives, fighting unnecessary passenger taxes and advocating for policies that enhance the travel experience.”

“A4A and our members are pleased to welcome Delta back to the association,” said Nicholas E. Calio, A4A President and CEO. “We are a stronger association with Delta as a member. As an industry organization, we work collaboratively in the best interests of our members as well as the customers and communities they serve. We are more effective advocates for the traveling and shipping public when we speak with a unified industry voice.”

Delta will join Alaska Airlines, American Airlines, Atlas Air Worldwide, FedEx Express, Hawaiian Airlines, JetBlue, Southwest, United, UPS and Air Canada. The carrier will officially rejoin A4A in 2020.

The announcement comes as the winter holiday travel period begins this week. A4A has projected that 47.5 million passengers are expected to fly globally on U.S. airlines over the 18-day winter holiday travel period from Thursday, December 19, through Sunday, January 5. An average of 2.6 million passengers will take to the skies each day over the holidays, with daily volumes ranging from 2.2 million to 3 million. That is an increase of 3 percent from the comparable period a year ago. To accommodate the 72,000 additional daily passengers, airlines will offer 88,000 additional seats per day and 884 extra flights per day.

“This is a reminder that this is a great time to fly namely due to affordability and accessibility. Airfares are at historic lows, and carriers are flying more routes to more cities across the country and around the world,” added Calio.


Annually, commercial aviation helps drive $1.5 trillion in U.S. economic activity and more than 10 million U.S. jobs. U.S. airlines fly 2.4 million passengers and more than 58,000 tons of cargo each day. Airlines for America (A4A) advocates on behalf of the American airline industry as a model of safety, customer service and environmental responsibility and as the indispensable network that drives our nation’s economy and global competitiveness. A4A works collaboratively with the airlines, labor, Congress, the Administration and other groups to improve aviation for the traveling and shipping public.


Delta Air Lines (NYSE: DAL) is the U.S. global airline leader in products, services, innovation, reliability and customer experience. Powered by its 80,000 people around the world, Delta continues to invest billions in its people, delivering a world-class travel experience and generating industry-leading shareholder returns. With its constant drive to invest, innovate and expand, Delta today is the world’s No. 1 airline by total revenues.

Enjoy! Brussels Airport (même si vous ne voyagez pas !)

Brussels Airport aime gâter ses passagers avec des événements, produits et services exclusifs. En vous inscrivant au programme Brussels Airport Enjoy!, vous pourrez par exemple remporter un Meet & Greet avec nos athlètes belges, élaborer un itinéraire détaillé de votre voyage à l’aéroport, commander ou bénéficier gratuitement d’un de nos services confort et accumuler des avantages supplémentaires dans notre boutique en ligne. Y compris, donc, quand vous ne voyagez pas !

 Des grands aventuriers devant l’éternel aux âmes plus casanières, chacun vit ses vacances différemment, à l’autre bout du monde ou (tout près de) chez lui. Pour aider chacun à trouver sa voie et ses vacances idéales, Brussels Airport lance Enjoy!, un programme d’activités à l’aéroport comme en-dehors.

Tous les inscrits au programme – qu’ils aient ou non un voyage à l’esprit – auront accès à des événements exclusifs et pourront accumuler des avantages. Comme un Meet & Greet avec nos athlètes olympiques belges, ou une formule spéciale au Brussels Airport Marathon. Ce ne sont que deux exemples de la liste de plus en plus longue d’événements culturels, sportifs et gastronomiques Enjoy! proposés par Brussels Airport.

Grâce à Enjoy!, vous pourrez également collectionner des Hearts, par exemple en achetant dans la boutique en ligne de Brussels Airport ou en voyageant. Car si gagner les Hearts est déjà agréable, les dépenser l’est encore plus ! À terme, vous pourrez par exemple échanger vos Hearts contre un de nos services confort : un Diamond Lounge Pass ou l’étiquette de suivi de bagages de Brussels Airport bTag.

Pour compléter votre expérience personnalisée, les membres Enjoy recevront de très nombreuses informations personnelles sur leur voyage. Très bientôt, vous pourrez également accéder à différents guides de voyage où vous pourrez puiser de l’inspiration pour vos (futurs) voyages. Enjoy! proposera par exemple des conseils voyage sur-mesure sur YouTube ou des critiques gastronomiques des restaurants bruxellois.

Enjoy! Brussels Airport, dès aujourd’hui sur notre site Web!

À propos de Brussels Airport

Avec ses 25,7 millions de passagers et 732.000 tonnes de fret par an, Brussels Airport figure parmi les aéroports les plus importants d’Europe. Brussels Airport relie la capitale européenne à 248 destinations de passagers et de fret, ces liaisons étant opérées par 80 compagnies aériennes (chiffres 2018).

Brussels Airport répond aux besoins spécifiques des voyageurs d’affaires et des vacanciers tant pour le trafic intra-européen que pour le long-courrier. Il offre également le choix le plus large de destinations à bas prix au départ de la Belgique. L’aéroport est le deuxième pôle de croissance économique le plus important du pays et génère 60.000 emplois directs et indirects.

L’aéroport est géré par Brussels Airport Company. Les actionnaires en sont l’Etat belge (25%) et un consortium d’investisseurs privés (75%).

Suivez @brusselsairport sur Twitter, ou sur Facebook via


LOT Polish Airlines joins ICCA


Warsaw, 13th December 2019 – The national carrier joins the ICCA, the International Congress & Convention Association, which is a global community for the exchange of knowledge in the international meetings industry. ICCA, which has been operating in the MICE sector since 1963, unites over 1,100 members in almost 100 countries around the world, including key carriers and airline alliances. LOT will be one of the two airlines representing the Central European region.

The ICCA is one of the world’s leading industry organisations in the sector of international association meetings and events. Membership in the association contributes to the promotion of carriers among the leaders of the MICE industry, and thus among potential business partners – organizers of international events.

“We are very happy to welcome LOT Polish Airlines to our global ICCA community. By joining ICCA, they will gain competitive advantage by using our resources and network to partner up with meeting suppliers and associations to win more association meetings business – a market which was worth over 11 billion USD in 2018”, said Senthil Gopinath, CEO of ICCA.

For LOT, membership within the association has both a sales and marketing dimension, with a database of over 20,000 international meetings, opportunities for networking with their organizers, extensive reports on the MICE area and educational workshops offered by the ICCA, inter alia during major European meetings and events industry fairs.

“According to the ICCA reports, Poland is among the 20 countries most frequently chosen to organize and host international meetings of associations. Our two hubs in Warsaw and Budapest were ranked among the top 30 host cities for congresses. Last year, Poland hosted 211 international meetings and a total of 176 such events were organized in both capitals. This is a genuine business potential for LOT, which enables delegates from over 110 destinations to reach the meeting destinations safely, quickly and comfortably”, said Anna Staszewska, LOT Polish Airlines Sales and Distribution Director.

The meetings industry market in Poland is expanding rapidly, as evidenced by analyses and reports presented, inter alia, by the Poland Convention Bureau / Polish Tourism Organisation. They estimate the contribution of the meetings industry (conferences, congresses, fairs) to GDP at the level of 1%.

 “We are proud to welcome a new European Airlines as an ICCA member. Airlines play a major role in destination marketing and congress bidding. ICCA member airlines work very closely with the Convention Bureaux and Associations and we believe LOT Polish Airlines take a strong role in the regions development as a meeting destination. We are looking forward to collaborating further with LOT on European projects”, said Elif Balci Fisunoglu, ICCA’s Regional Director for Europe.

In 2018, LOT carried a record number of over 8.9 million passengers – 2 million more than in 2017. In December of this year, the Polish carrier will be a host for its 10 millionth passenger. LOT operates 90 modern aircraft on a daily basis. The LOT offer comprises as many as 110 scheduled flights all over the globe.


Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) appointed Slovenian master chef Ana Roš as ambassador of gastronomic tourism on 20 November 2019 in Madrid


The United According to UNWTO she has earned this title principally because she promotes the use of local ingredients and uses such ingredients herself in her cooking. In this way, too, she is contributing to sustainable entrepreneurship.

From garden to table
Hiša Franko is in some way the centre of the world in the Posočje region. The best cheese from local farmers, organic potatoes and lettuce, forest strawberries and raspberries, and herbs from the kitchen garden all find their way to the Franko restaurant tables.

The dishes reflect all seasons, the flavour and character of the local surroundings, and also an elegance and femininity. And all of them are prepared with love and abundant artistic virtuosity.

Indeed, the dishes served at Ana Roš’s Hiša Franko restaurant are not just dishes of food, they are veritable creations combining local ingredients, and a meal is an event.

A culinary mission
Ana Roš feels that the title serves as a guide for Slovenian gastronomy or any other activity.

“For me, the title of ambassador of gastronomy is not an award, but an incentive to remain a role model to everyone who isn’t sure that they can truly succeed at what they want to, and who need a little encouragement to become even better.”

These words typify the life path of Ana Roš, who as a girl without any knowledge of cuisine rose to become a virtuoso chef. Her perfectionism and desire to research, along with her studious approach, have brought her to the peak of culinary arts. In her opinion, the greatest chance of a dish becoming something outstanding is when its own flavours reflect its origin in the land, and that land’s tradition, seasons, people and folklore. People eat with their eyes, they smell the food, and only then do they taste it. And they are even more drawn to a dish if it has a story.

Slovenia is becoming an increasingly recognised and sought-after destination among culinary connoisseurs. Much credit for this also goes to the other Slovenian top chefs. The announcement of Roš as UNWTO ambassador took place in the context of Hiša Franko making a guest appearance in Madrid and a presentation of Slovenia organised by the Slovenian embassy.

Alongside the Slovenian Tourist Board, a large part in promoting the event was played by the Slovenian Government Communication Office, which owns the national brand I Feel Slovenia.

First Congress Ambassadors of Slovenia Awarded


Slovenian Convention Bureau with partners for the first time named and awarded honorary titles of the Slovenian Ambassadors Program.

On 14th November 2019, the first Congress Ambassadors of Slovenia were awarded their honorary titles at the Ljubljana Castle. Twenty-five awarded individuals included doctors, scientists, professors, researchers and other experts in various fields who have contributed to the internationalization of Slovenia on the meetings industry’s stage. Slovenian Ambassadors Program was this year launched by the Slovenian Convention Bureau in collaboration with the Slovenian Tourist Board, the Ljubljana Convention Bureau at Ljubljana Tourism, and sixteen joining partners. The program is intended to acknowledge and honour the individuals able to successfully host many international congresses and other business events in Slovenia.

Condition for being nominated into the title of the Congress Ambassador of Slovenia 2019 was an organisation of scientific-professional or business event with a minimum of 100 attendees and at least a half international participation. Into account were taken the events that took place in the period between 2014 and 2018. Priority went to events of regional, European, and international or global associations that have brought to Slovenia as large international participation as possible or were of exceptional international importance.

THE FIRST CONGRESS AMBASSADORS OF SLOVENIA 2019 ARE (in an alphabetical order of their last names):

Prof. Ph.D., Marko Anderluh, M.Sc. Pharm., University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Pharmacy

Monika Ažman, BSc, Nurses and Midwives Association of Slovenia – Association of Professional Associations of Nurses, Midwives and Health Technicians of Slovenia (Chamber – Union)

Prof. Ph.D., Marija Bešter-Rogač, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology

Andrej Bibič, Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning

Ass. Prof. Ph.D., Alenka Fikfak, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture

Peter Grk, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia

Prof. Ph.D., Marko Hawlina, M.D. spec. opthalmologist, University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Eye Hospital

Prof. Ph.D., Sandi Klavžar, University of Maribor, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics and University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics

Prof. Ph.D., Radko Komadina, M.D., President of the Slovenian Medical Association

Prof. Ph.D., Janez Kovač, Jožef Stefan Institute / Slovenian Society for Vacuum Technique

Assoc. Prof. Ph.D., Samo Kropivnik, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences

Ass. Prof. Ph.D., Aleš Kuhar, University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty

Prof. Ph.D., Klavdija Kutnar, University of Primorska, Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies

Štefanija Lukič Zlobec, BsC Economy, Spominčica – Alzheimer Slovenia – Slovenian Association for Dementia Assistance

Prof. Ph.D., Mojca Matičič, M.D. spec. infectologist, University Hospital Center Ljubljana, Clinic for infectious diseases and febrile conditions

Prof. Ph.D., Nives Ogrinc, Jožef Štefan Institute

Sabina Otoničar, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences

Ph.D., Rado Pišot, Science and Research Center of Koper

Prof. Ph.D., Iztok Podbregar, University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences

Assoc. Prof. Ph.D., Anja Podlesek, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts

Prof. Ph.D., Danica Purg, IEDC-Bled Business School

Prof. Ph.D., Maja Rupnik, National Laboratory of Health, Environment and Food (NLZOH)

Assoc. Prof. Ph.D., Vasilka Sancin, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Law

Prof. Ph.D., Nataša Tul-Mandić, Maternity Hospital Postojna

Prof. Ph.D., Tatjana Welzer Družovec, University of Maribor, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science (FERI), Institute of Informatics

The Slovenian Ambassadors Program is of considerable importance for Slovenia’s greater success in the field of internationalization of science, science, business and sports. »We want to establish a platform of Slovenian Congress Ambassadors covering various fields that work closely with the Slovenian Convention Bureau and the individual destination bureaus as only with an active and creative cooperation we can be successful on the competitive international market,« emphasizes Miha Kovačič, director of the Slovenian Convention Bureau the reasons for the launch of the programme.

The main event of the Slovenain Ambassadors Program, where the honorary titles of the first Congress Ambassadors of Slovenia 2019 were awarded, took place yesterday evening, 14 November 2019, at Ljubljana Castle. Honorary patronage of the event was held by Borut Pahor, the President of the Republic of Slovenia.

Kongres Magazine for the Slovenian Convention Bureau

Festive Season in Slovenia is so Magical

Feel the warmth of the December fairy-tale in the festively decorated towns of Slovenia.

During the advent season, Slovenian cities and towns turn into fairy-tale wonderlands. The towns’ hotspots are the decorated town centres, where you can take a stroll among the festive market stalls on lit-up streets and squares. They all have in common lively cultural events, musical entertainment, outdoor concerts, excellent traditional food and drinks, and a diverse selection of Christmas gifts.


During the advent season, Ljubljana always has a vibrant atmosphere, with a Christmas market and countless free events held in the festively decorated historical city centre. Do not miss one of the most imaginative Christmas lights displays in this part of Europe.

Ljubljana’s Christmas market, accompanied by food and drink stalls, becomes the centre of the city’s social life in December, while its nearby squares host a vast programme of free music concerts and other events for adults and children. The festivities culminate on the New Year’s Eve, with celebrations in Ljubljana’s main squares.

See more at:


Maribor, the second largest Slovenian city, will be offering numerous December festivities that will enrich the city’s experience towards the end of 2019. The first festivities started on the 22nd of November spanning from switching on the decorative lights to several fairs and numerous open-air concerts and parties, including the New Year’s Eve celebration taking place at the largest square in Slovenia.

See more at:

Experience the magic of Slovenia and the festive season in your own way, be it in charming old town centres or the snowy countryside.

Jean-Pax Méfret – Le pays qui n’existe plus

Nostalgie, nostalgie. Cette chanson et son montage vidéo, sont dédiés à tous les pieds noirs d’Alger de Bida, Boufarik, Oran, et tout particulièrement ceux de Thénia (Ex. Ménerville). Dont la plupart des photos sont tirées de leur site. Ménerville (Massinissa03). Jean-Pax Marie-Ange Méfret, né le 9 septembre 1944 en Algérie, est un journaliste, auteur de livres et auteur-compositeur-interprète de chansons, défenseur de l’Algérie française. Il a travaillé comme journaliste au mensuel des rapatriés d’Algérie France-Horizon, dirigé par le colonel Pierre Battesti, président de l’ANFANOMA (Association Nationale des Français d’Afrique du Nord, d’Outre-mer et de leurs Amis), puis comme reporter, spécialisé dans les grands faits divers, dans le journal Minute, de 1970 à 1974, année de sa démission de cet hebdomadaire. (Sources Wikipédia)