Milan Bergamo’s best-ever year

Welcoming 920,000 more passengers last year than in 2018, Milan Bergamo Airport witnessed a 7.1% growth in passenger traffic, recording a total of more than 13.8 million passengers in 2019. Launching 13 new flights, seeing five new airlines join its portfolio, and adding four brand-new destinations has resulted in the best-ever year for the Italian gateway.

“We now serve 140 destinations from Milan Bergamo, catering for the densely populated area of the Lombardy region and offering many options to both leisure and business traveller,” explains Giacomo Cattaneo, Director of Commercial Aviation, SACBO. “2019 has been a significant year for us in the growth of our carriers, not only welcoming the arrival of new airlines but also celebrating with closely-held partners marking important milestones such as Ryanair reaching 100 million passengers at Milan Bergamo since joining us in 2002,” added Cattaneo.

A considerable share of the airport’s continued growth can be attributed to the five new airlines joining Milan Bergamo’s roll call: Alitalia’s three daily flights to Rome, British Airways operating daily to London Gatwick, TUIfly’s twice-weekly link to Casablanca, Vueling launching a four times weekly Barcelona flight and Air Cairo serving Sharm el Sheikh twice-weekly. The growth of long-term carriers also considerably boosted the airport’s development, namely Air Arabia Egypt adding Cairo and Sharm El Sheikh to its network from Lombardy, Ryanair now offering 96 routes in total, while Lauda tripled operations in less than a year and now offers services to Düsseldorf, Stuttgart and Vienna.

Adapting for the future by creating Bergamolynk – a self-connecting initiative which is transforming transfer traffic through the Lombardy gateway – Milan Bergamo also launched a development programme to ensure the airport is expanding with the continued growth. “By the end of April we will have doubled the number of boarding gates and baggage systems thanks to our new non-Schengen area, increased the number of retailers and opened a new lounge,” says Cattaneo. “We continue to be very competitive to attract new airlines and add new links to our network but we also work hard to ensure Milan Bergamo is future-ready, able to retain and grow with our partners and passengers.”

Maintaining its solid growth and looking at the first quarter of this new year, Milan Bergamo is already set to welcome Ryanair’s latest operation to Yerevan next week – the airport’s first connection to the Armenian capital – while March will see Vueling become a permanent member of gateway’s airline family.




New record at Brussels Airport with 26.4 million passengers in 2019 in conjunction with fewer flights

In 2019, Brussels Airport hit a new passenger traffic record with 26.4 million passengers. Cargo transport closed the year at 667 thousand tonnes, a drop of 8.8% in line with the European average. The total number of flights fell by 0.4%.

Arnaud Feist, CEO of Brussels Airport Company: “In 2019, Brussels Airport reported a new passenger traffic record, welcoming 26.4 million passengers. The past 10 years, the number of passengers has spiralled from 17 million in 2009 to 26.4 million in 2019, but the number of flights has remained stable over this period. This shows that the growth of our business can be achieved without increasing the environmental impact by using aircraft that are not only bigger and better filled, but also significantly more environmentally friendly.”


Last year, Brussels Airport welcomed 26,360,003 passengers, i.e. a 2.7% increase compared against 2018. This growth can be seen both in originating passengers, up 2.6%, and in transfer passengers, up 2.5%, as a result of the strengthening of Brussels Airport as a Star Alliance hub.

The national strike in February, as well as the social tension at Skeyes in the first half of the year and the bankruptcy of tour operator Thomas Cook, which led to the cancellation of many flights, particularly in October, had a limited impact on these results. The bankruptcies of WOW air and fly bmi in the first quarter also had a negative effect.

The long-haul network grew by 4.7% in 2019, thanks in particular to Ethiopian Airlines, Cathay Pacific, United Airlines, Emirates, Air Canada, Etihad Airways and ANA. On the short and medium-haul network, Ryanair, Brussels Airlines, TAP Air Portugal, Aeroflot, Iberia, easyJet, Vueling and Finnair posted strong growth.

In December 2019, the airport welcomed 1,901,816 passengers, an increase of 5.1% compared to December 2018, among both local and transfer passengers.


In 2019, Brussels Airport carried 667,220 tonnes in cargo, representing a 8.8% increase on 2018, in line with the European average.

Full freighter volumes, a sector that is more sensitive to market fluctuations, suffered the sharpest downturn (-15.9%). Integrator services (-6%) also reported a decrease in tonnage for the first time in several years, mainly due to the national strike in February and the situation at skeyes in the first half of 2019. Also affected, but to a lesser extent, by these events, belly cargo, decreased by 2.5%.

Also affected by the slower economic growth, trucked air cargo was down by 11.5%.

In December 2019, transported cargo volumes rose by 1.6% compared against December 2018, reaching 63,112 tonnes. This increase was mainly due to belly cargo (+3.5%) and integrator services (+7.3%).

Full freighter, which is particularly affected by fluctuations in the European market, levelled off, due to the significant peak at the end of the year, the many additional flights at Brussels Airport and the start-up of Sichuan Airlines Cargo.

Trucked cargo, also impacted by the markets, was down by 4.2%.

Air movements

In 2019, the number of movements fell by 0.4% compared with 2018. Of these, passenger flight movements remained relatively stable, while cargo flight movements decreased by 2.2%.

The average number of passengers per flight went up by 2.4%, rising from 127 in 2018 to 130 in 2019, thanks to larger and better filled aircraft.

In December, the number of air movements rose very slightly by 0.5% compared against the same period in 2018. The number of passenger flights fell by 0.7%.

Statement on Ukrainian International Airlines (PS 752)

It is an outrage that a civil aircraft—an instrument of peace—is downed even inadvertently by military action. To honor the memories of the 176 innocent souls aboard PS 752 no effort should be spared to make sure that such a tragedy is never repeated.

A through and transparent investigation is critical. Governments must review how risk assessments are made and information is shared. And the industry will do all it can to support governments, through ICAO, in the difficult work that lies ahead. Keeping flying safe is our shared top priority.

Stable Passenger Demand Growth in November

Geneva – The International Air Transport Association (IATA) announced global passenger traffic results for November 2019 showing that demand (measured in revenue passenger kilometers or RPKs) rose 3.3% compared to the same month in 2018. This was unchanged from October’s result and below the long-term trend. Capacity (available seat kilometers or ASKs) increased by 1.8%, and load factor climbed 1.1 percentage points to 81.1%, which was a record for any November. All regions saw annual increases in traffic.

“November’s moderate result reflects the continuing influence of slower economic activity, geopolitical tensions and other disruptions, including strikes in Europe. On the plus side, positive developments in the US-China trade talks, in tandem with signs of improving business confidence, could support an uptick in travel demand. In the meantime, continued modest capacity growth is helping to maximize asset efficiency,” said Alexandre de Juniac, IATA’s Director General and CEO.

Total Market
Asia Pacific
Latin America
Middle East
North America

1- % of industry FTKs in 2018 2- Year-on-year change in load factor 3-Load factor level

International Passenger Markets

November international passenger demand rose 3.1%, compared to November 2018, which was a marginal increase from the 3.0% year-over-year growth achieved in October. All regions recorded traffic increases, except for Latin America. Capacity climbed 0.7%, and load factor increased 1.8 percentage points to 80.1%.

Asia-Pacific airlines saw November traffic increase 3.9% compared to the 2018 period, a slight decline compared to the 4.2% annual growth recorded in October. Capacity rose 2.8% and load factor rose 0.8 percentage point to 79.9%. While seasonally-adjusted volumes are increasing, the trend has moderated. Disruptions in Hong Kong, slowing demand in India and China and less supportive business confidence in several key economies are among the contributing factors.

European carriers experienced a 1.2% increase in November traffic, down from 1.6% growth in October and the weakest outcome since early 2013. Industrial actions (strikes) disrupted operations for a number of airlines during the month, contributing to the demand slowdown. Capacity dropped 1.1% and load factor rose 1.8 percentage points to 83.8%.

Middle Eastern airlines posted a 7.4% traffic increase in November, up from a 5.6% rise in October. Capacity was flat, and load factor soared 5.0 percentage points to 73.2%. The strong performance was driven by robust demand on to/from Asia and Europe markets.

North American carriers’ international demand climbed 2.3% compared to November 2018, down from the 3.6% growth recorded in October. Despite a slowing in economic activity, fundamentals remain generally sound for the region, although the rise in geopolitical tensions may impact international demand going forward. Capacity rose 1.6%, and load factor accelerated 0.6 percentage point to 81.2%.

Latin American airlines had a 0.3% traffic decline in November compared to a year ago, in line with October’s decline. Capacity slipped 1.8% and load factor increased 1.3 percentage points to 82.1%. Economic headwinds and/or social unrest in a number of countries in the region contributed to the lowered result.

African airlines’ traffic climbed 4.9% in November, up from 2.3% growth recorded in October. Challenges in the South Africa market have been more than offset by strong performance elsewhere in the region. Capacity rose 2.8%, and load factor climbed 1.4 percentage points to 70.3%.

Domestic Passenger Markets

Demand for domestic travel climbed 3.5% in November compared to November 2018, which was a marginal decline from 3.7% annual growth recorded in October. Capacity rose 3.8% and load factor slipped 0.2 percentage point to 82.8%.

Dom. Australia
Domestic Brazil
Dom. China P.R
Domestic India
Domestic Japan
Dom. Russian Fed.
Domestic US

1- % of industry FTKs in 2018 2- Year-on-year change in load factor 3-Load factor level

Indian airlines experienced a return to double-digit growth for the first time since January 2019, as traffic rose 11.3% compared to November 2018. However, economic growth in the third quarter was the weakest in around six years amid a broad-based slowdown that is affecting many sectors of the economy. This will present a more challenging environment for the industry going forward.

Japan’s airlines saw domestic traffic climb 3.7% in November, more than double the 1.8% increase recorded in October. While growth has been volatile over the past six months or so, the bigger picture is that seasonally-adjusted volumes are trending modestly upward.

Read the full Air Passenger Market Analysis (pdf)


Costa Croisières: ouverture des réservations 2021/2022

Les croisières d’avril 2021 à avril 2022 de la compagnie italienne sont désormais ouvertes à la réservation en agences de voyages et en ligne. De nombreuses nouveautés sont inscrites au programme : cinq nouvelles grandes croisières de la Méditerranée à New York ; la réouverture d’itinéraires à destination du Maroc, d’Israël et de la Turquie ; le Costa Smeralda à Dubaï en hiver et le Costa Diadema en Europe du Nord en été.

Gênes, le 31 décembre 2019 – Costa Croisières ouvre les ventes de ses croisières d’avril 2021 à avril 2022, qui pourront être réservées dès aujourd’hui dans les agences de voyages et en ligne.

En plus des itinéraires qui ont connu un grand succès ces dernières années, la compagnie italienne a inscrit de nombreuses nouveautés au programme, afin de séduire les nouveaux voyageurs comme les plus aguerris. En particulier, l’offre de Costa en Méditerranée sera renforcée, avec une gamme d’itinéraires répondant aux différentes attentes des passagers, que ce soit en termes de durée ou de destinations, pour faire face à la demande croissante.

Pour l’hiver 2021/2022, les cinq grandes croisières à bord du Costa Luminosa au départ de Savone constituent la principale nouveauté. La première et la troisième de ces croisières, d’une durée respective de 31 et 22 jours, donneront une véritable vue d’ensemble de la Méditerranée, de l’Espagne à la Turquie, avec des escales de deux jours à Haïfa (Israël) et à Istanbul (Turquie). La deuxième, d’une durée de 14 jours, se déroulera pendant la période de Noël et se concentrera quant à elle sur la France, avec également des escales en Corse, en Espagne, à Barcelone, à Valence, à Malte et en Grèce. La quatrième, d’une durée de 35 jours, s’aventurera au-delà des Colonnes d’Hercule pour de longues escales à Casablanca, aux îles Canaries, au Cap-Vert, à Madère, aux Açores et à Lisbonne. La dernière grande croisière, d’une durée de 44 jours, mettra le cap en direction des Caraïbes et de New York, où le navire fera escale pendant trois jours, avant de visiter Boston et de revenir en Europe.

Concernant les nouvelles destinations, le Maroc fait son grand retour parmi les ports d’escales réguliers du programme Costa, grâce aux croisières du printemps 2021 à bord du Costa Magica, qui s’arrêtera à Casablanca et à Tanger, et à celles de l’automne 2021 du Costa Favolosa, qui feront également escale à Casablanca.

D’avril à fin octobre 2021, le Costa Smeralda, nouveau navire amiral propulsé au gaz naturel liquéfié, fera escale à Savone, Marseille, Barcelone, Palma de Majorque, Palerme et Civitavecchia. Au cours de l’hiver 2021/2022, le Costa Smeralda sera positionné pour la première fois à Dubai, une destination que la compagnie italienne a été la première à lancer en 2006. L’itinéraire d’une semaine est une manière idéale de profiter de Dubai avec une escale de 2 jours, après avoir visité Abu Dhabi, Doha et Muscat.

Au départ de Gênes, le Costa Pacifica offrira quant à lui des croisières d’une semaine mettant l’Espagne au premier plan, dont Ibiza pendant l’été. Au printemps et en automne, le Costa Fortuna proposera une vaste sélection de mini-croisières idéales pour les voyageurs qui s’initient à la croisière. Les itinéraires d’une semaine en Méditerranée orientale sont aussi confirmés, au départ de Venise et de Bari.
Au printemps 2021, le Costa Diadema partira pour des croisières d’une semaine en Méditerranée occidentale, qui se rallongeront en automne et en hiver avec des séjours de 2 semaines comprenant des escales de deux jours à Haïfa (Israël) et à Istanbul (Turquie).

A l’été 2021, le Costa Diadema renforcera l’offre de Costa en Europe du Nord, qui concernera quatre navires au total, pour faire découvrir à leurs passagers les fjords norvégiens, l’Islande, le Royaume-Uni, l’Irlande, le cap Nord et les plus belles villes baltes.

La croisière Tour du Monde 2022 à bord du Costa Deliziosa traversera le canal du Panama pour rejoindre l’Équateur, le Pérou, le Chili, l’île de Pâques, la Polynésie, la Nouvelle-Zélande, la Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée, le Japon, la Corée du Sud, la Chine, le Vietnam et l’Inde, avant de remettre le cap en direction de la Méditerranée via le canal de Suez.

Le programme de l’hiver 2021/2022 comprendra également des croisières consacrées aux plus belles destinations des Caraïbes et d’Amérique du Sud.

Pour des fêtes de Noël et du Nouvel An inoubliables, les itinéraires de 10 et 11 jours du Costa Smeralda à destination de Dubai, ainsi que l’itinéraire de 10 jours du Costa Fortuna dans les Caraïbes sont à ne pas manquer.

Les croisières à bord du Costa Toscana, navire jumeau du Costa Smeralda qui entrera en service en 2021, seront ouvertes aux réservations dans les semaines à venir.


Wido van Anderlecht in kanonikale en Kamerijkse context

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 Herman Loris

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GAIA breekt wrede kooien met elektrische zaag

Vandaag lanceerde GAIA haar nieuwe campagne ‘Stop de kooien’. Met die campagne wil GAIA een einde maken aan het gebruik van wrede (batterij)kooisystemen in de Europese veehouderij. Op het Albertinaplein zaagde de dierenrechtenorganisatie 50 metalen kooien doormidden – een symbolische maar opvallende actie. De campagne ‘Stop de kooien’ maakt deel uit van een Europees burgerinitiatief ‘End the cage age’ gesteund door meer dan 130 organisaties, die ernaar streven 1 miljoen handtekeningen te verzamelen. “Een leven in een kooi is geen dierwaardig bestaan”, aldus GAIA-directeur Ann De Greef. “Dieren in kooien lijden ernstig: ze hebben amper ruimte om te bewegen en kunnen er hun natuurlijke gedrag niet in uiten noch ontplooien.”

Miljoenen dieren in Europa leven in een nachtmerrie: ze slijten hun leven in kleine, kale kooien. De kooien zijn wreed, nutteloos en veroorzaken ernstig leed bij de zeugen, kwartels, konijnen, eenden, ganzen en legkippen. Om die situatie aan de kaak te stellen, organiseerde GAIA vandaag een symbolische actie op het Albertinaplein. 50 metalen kooien werden doormidden gezaagd met een elektrische zaag. De actie markeert de lancering in België van een Europees burgerinitiatief ‘End the cage age’ dat door meer dan 130 organisaties wordt ondersteund. Als de bijhorende petitie 1 miljoen handtekeningen telt, moet de Europese Commissie zich buigen over de eis van de organisaties en gepaste maatregelen nemen.

Een leven zonder waardigheid
Elk jaar worden in Europa maar liefst 370 miljoen dieren in kooien gekweekt. Zeugen liggen vast tussen stalen stangen in zogenaamde kraamhokken waarin amper plaats is voor normaal zorggedrag. Vleeskonijnen en kwartels slijten hun hele leven in kale kooien. Piepjonge kalfjes worden apart opgesloten. Legkippen zitten nog steeds in kooien en eenden en ganzen worden opgesloten om onder dwang gevoerd te worden voor de productie van foie gras. Allemaal hebben ze één ding gemeen: in dergelijke kooien kunnen ze amper bewegen en ‘lijden’ ze een dieronwaardig bestaan dat hoegenaamd niet voldoet aan hun welzijnsbehoeften.

Deze verachtelijke realiteit treft jaarlijks zo’n 4,15 miljoen dieren in België. Zo wordt 39% van alle Belgische leghennen (3,7 miljoen) nog steeds in verrijkte kooien gehouden. De kippen hebben geen ruimte om rond te fladderen, om zich uit te strekken, om hun veren te verzorgen, om te scharrelen, om te rennen, om te vliegen, … . De ernstige beperking van het natuurlijke gedrag in een kooi leidt tot slecht welzijn en dwangneurotisch gedrag. Het gebrek aan beweging zorgt ook voor lichamelijke problemen zoals broze botten.

Moedervarkens moeten gedurende hun leven zoveel mogelijk biggen werpen die als vleesvarkens worden gekweekt. De eerste vijf weken van de dracht worden moedervarkens opgesloten in ligboxen waar ze geen sociale interactie hebben en gedwongen worden zich te ontlasten op hun rustplaats. Ze kunnen niet lopen en zich zelfs niet omdraaien. Die opsluiting creëert allerlei abnormaal dwangneurotisch gedrag zoals stang- en tralie bijten, apathie, broze botten en blaasontstekingen. Voor, tijdens en na de bevalling worden de zeugen opgesloten in kraamhokken waar ze langdurig moeten blijven liggen op een harde, betonnen vloer. Tijdens de bevalling kunnen ze niet eens een paar stappen zetten of zich omdraaien.

“Gereduceerd tot een productie-eenheid leiden deze gevoelige wezens een leven zonder waardigheid, aldus De Greef. In België treft die realiteit 99% van alle zeugen (409 miljoen).

Europees burgerinitiatief
Om een einde te maken aan de kooicultuur die vooral ingebakken zit in de intensieve veeteelt, hebben meer dan 130 organisaties, waaronder GAIA, besloten een Europees burgerinitiatief (ECI) te lanceren. Het initiatief werd recentelijk erkend door de Europese Commissie. Het doel is om in één jaar tijd een miljoen handtekeningen van Europese burgers en ook in zeven Europese landen een minimum aantal handtekeningen te verzamelen. Als GAIA en de andere organisaties daarin slagen, zal de Europese Commissie verplicht zijn de kwestie van de kooicultuur “zorgvuldig” te onderzoeken en vervolgens een “officieel antwoord” te geven. De alliantie van 130 organisaties wil verder gaan en wil, zodra de handtekeningen zijn verzameld, de Commissie ertoe aanzetten een einde te maken aan de wrede kooisystemen in de hele EU. “Ons doel is duidelijk: ervoor zorgen dat kooien, een ramp voor miljoenen dieren in de EU, voor eens voor altijd tot het verleden behoren”, aldus Michel Vandenbosch. Elke regio en lidstaat van de EU kan in principe verder gaan dan de Europese wetgeving. Zo heeft België reeds de kweek van vleeskonijnen in batterijkooien verboden ten voordele van de diervriendelijkere parksystemen. Zodoende is ons land een voorloper in Europa.”

Notonthehighstreet Joins PETA List of Companies Banning Mohair Sale

First-Ever Eyewitness Investigation of Mohair Industry Shows Workers Slowly Killing and Mutilating Crying Goats

London – A recent PETA video exposé of the mohair industry in South Africa – the source of more than 50 per cent of the world’s mohair – has prompted dozens of top international retailers to ban the cruelly obtained material, and online marketplace Notonthehighstreet has just confirmed that it will join them.

The hugely successful website – home to more than 5,000 creative small businesses in the UK – told PETA that the company has informed these partners that it “will be implementing a ban on the sale of products containing mohair through our platform. This will come into effect from the end of 2019.”

PETA’s exposé, which is the first of its kind and encompasses 12 farms visited by a PETA Asia eyewitness in January and February of this year, shows workers dragging goats by the horns and legs and lifting them off the floor by the tail, which could break their spines. Goat kids who were being shorn for the first time cried out in fear. Afterwards, workers threw them across the floor. In August, the National Council of SPCAs filed cruelty-to-animals charges against four angora goat farmers based on evidence from PETA Asia’s investigation. South Africa’s national police force is investigating the farmers as well as shearers and other farmworkers.

“Notonthehighstreet recognises that no throw or pair of gloves is worth the blood, fear, and cries of gentle baby goats – and all other retailers should, too,” says PETA Director of Corporate Projects Yvonne Taylor. “PETA reminds consumers that when shopping online, they should always check products’ material composition carefully to avoid adding any item containing mohair to their shopping baskets.”

ETA – whose motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to wear” – notes that many goats’ sensitive ears were mutilated with tattoo pliers, which left them screaming in pain. Shearers – who are paid by volume, not by the hour – worked quickly and carelessly, leaving goats cut up and bleeding. Workers roughly stitched them up without giving them any pain relief.

Farmers admitted that after shearing, many goats die from exposure to the cold wind and rain – 40,000 reportedly died from exposure across South Africa in just one weekend. Unwanted goats also died in agonising ways: on one farm, a worker slowly cut the throats of fully conscious goats with a dull knife and then broke their necks, hacking one animal’s head right off. Others were hauled to an abattoir, where they were electrically shocked, hung upside down, and slashed across the throat.

Notonthehighstreet is one of numerous companies and brands – including ASOS, Marks & Spencer, John Lewis, and H&M – that have agreed to end the use of mohair in their products.

For more information, please visit

Budapest Airport welcomes easyJet’s new London link

Having served the Budapest to London market for over 10 years, Hungary’s capital gateway is delighted to celebrate easyJet’s newest service to the UK city, launching a twice-weekly (Mondays and Fridays) operation to London Southend, adding to its successful London Gatwick operation.

“Traffic between Budapest and London continues to grow, and during the first nine months of 2018, over 1.15 million passengers have travelled between these two key European capitals. With London, and indeed the UK, being the largest city and country markets from Hungary, this new service to London Southend comes at a time when the UK market continues to grow in strength,” states Eszter Almási, Airline Development Manager, Budapest Airport.

An additional enhancement to Budapest’s UK network saw easyJet also introduce a twice-weekly service to Manchester yesterday, seeing weekly capacity to the northwest of the UK grow by 20% this winter.


Kamerlid Luykx roept Reynders op om scherp te reageren aan het adres van Pakistaanse regering in de zaak Asia Bibi

Een gerechtshof had woensdag de vrijlating bevolen van de Pakistaanse Asia Bibi, die sinds 2010 in de dodencel zat. Bibi is Christen en werd ter dood veroordeeld voor godslastering in een ruzie met moslimvrouwen. Na de uitspraak over haar vrijlating braken hevige protestbetogingen uit van islamistische groepen die haar dood eisen. Asia Bibi vreest voor haar leven. Zij zou voor haar veiligheid best asiel verleend worden. Verschillende landen hebben dit al aangeboden.

Kamerlid Luykx roept minister Reynders op om te reageren. “De Kamer keurde in 2017 mijn resolutie goed die de regering oproept om bijzondere aandacht te besteden aan religieuze minderheden die verdreven werden uit hun land door extremistische groeperingen. Ook in deze zaak moet de regering het geweld tegen de Christelijke minderheid in Pakistan scherp veroordelen.” De Pakistaanse regering zwicht voor islamitische extremisten en het gerecht zou de hele rechtszaak overdoen. Zowel Asia Bibi als haar echtgenoot moeten beschermd worden.

België kan hen asiel aanbieden. Het zou niet de eerste keer zijn dat de regering zulke actie ondernam. Eerder al reikte staatssecretaris van Asiel en Migratie Theo Francken al humanitaire visa uit aan Christenen in Syrië. “Theo Francken zijn initiatief paste perfect in het kader van mijn resolutie die stelt dat de regering van de bescherming van religieuze minderheden een speerpunt moet maken van het buitenlands beleid. Ook in de zaak Asia Bibi moet de regering optreden.”

The 6th annual edition of MeetingPlanners Russia raised above all expectations!

The annual workshop edition of MeetingPlanners Russia took place this year on 9, 10 and 11 September in the gorgeous five-star property, InterContinental Moscow Tverskaya, situated in the city center of the Russian capital.

The program started on Sunday 9th of September with a dinner for all participating Destinations and Suppliers at Restaurant Chekhonte, in InterContinental Moscow Tverskaya. A panel discussion led by event MC Jonathan Bradshaw brought clarity about the current status of the Russian and CIS MICE markets and through a Q&A session offered insight on how to get the most out of the two business days ahead.
Monday started by offering the opportunity for many worldwide destinations to present what their incredible country or city has to offer. A full day of meetings was scheduled afterwards, with networking and presentation breaks, before enjoying a pleasant end of the day cocktail reception with all participants.

Tuesday began by rewarding some lucky event planners with wonderful prizes. Good mood guaranteed to proceed with the rest of the B2B meetings and presentations before the successful forum ending with the Tuesday forum closing cocktail!

Alberto Gurrola from Grand Coral Beach in Cancun is stating: “The most important part for me is to try to open up relationships. Having a solid 20 appointments in one day plus another 20 appointments the second day, and finding out that the interest for our region is a tangible possibility in the next couple of years is a value like gold. The return of my investment is incredible, we will be here next year! Congratulation for the job well done and everything executed to perfection.’’
The overall satisfaction was clearly noticeable in all the positive feedback received and bookings for the next years forums Europe Congress organizes.

Asking Business Development Director Asya Revina from Europe Congress about the event outcome, she stated: The guaranteed amount of high profile meetings and synergy through the intelligent matchmaking we do prior to the event assured yet again the highest satisfaction possible. The smooth running of the entire program by our team has been flawless. We want to thank all participants for their trust in our organization and are looking forward coming back to Moscow in a year’s time for our 7th edition.’’
Do not miss your chance to join the next edition of MeetingPlanners Russia, on 9 and 10 of September 2019! Until then, Europe Congress is ready to deliver MCE South Europe in Thessaloniki from 21 till 23 October and MCE Central & Eastern Europe in Prague between 17 and 19 of February 2019.

For more information and participation possibilities, please contact Europe Congress on:
Email: or Telephone: +420 226 804 080