Budapest 56 ! Qui se souvient ?

“Nous allons mourir, faites quelque chose ! Nous allons mourir…”. Tel est le dernier et pathétique appel que lançait le peuple hongrois qui mourait pour sa liberté. C’était en 1956, les troupes soviétiques entraient dans Budapest. Oui donc s’en souvient encore ?

Aujourd’hui, le politiquement correct clame son indignation quand le Premier ministre hongrois en appelle à la “fin du diktat” de l’Europe mais oublie curieusement le martyr qu’à subit ce pays coupé de cette même Europe par l’ignoble “rideau de fer”.

C’était en 1956, la Hongrie, le pays de Saint Etienne était mise à feu et à sang par les troupes soviétiques. Budapest, cette ville martyre qu’un fol espoir avait porté à croire à la liberté et à la fraternité fut couverte de sang. Cet acte, d’une sauvagerie inouïe ne fut jamais condamné. Il demeurera· à jamais la honte d’un régime basé sur la terreur : le communisme.

Les Hongrois pourtant qui se trouvaient à l’époque, à l’instar de millions d’autres européens, sous domination soviétique avaient cru, un moment, pouvoir échapper à l’énorme univers concentrationnaire dans lequel ils avaient été englobés de force. Les espoirs les plus fous avaient vu le jour. Enfin, l’occupant allait s’en aller. Rompre avec un passé fait de servitudes, de contraintes morales et physiques tel était ·l’espoir insensé des Hongrois, nos frères de l’Est, qui enfin avaient retrouvé la joie et le bonheur de vivre. La chose ne pouvait évidemment pas durer et c’est alors que Nikita Kroutchev au sommet de sa puissance devint le «bourreau» de Budapest. Les chars soviétiques venus par milliers écrasèrent la liberté dans le sang et la Hongrie fut à nouveau plongée dans les ténèbres. C’était en 1956 ! Qui s’en souvient encore?

La chute du mur de Berlin, le 9 novembre 1989 suivie de l’ouverture du rideau de fer à la frontière austro-hongroise le 1er janvier 1989 allaient marquer le retour à la liberté pour des millions d’Européens. Aujourd’hui cependant c’est l’Union Européenne qui, de manière plus insidieuse et par d’autres moyens entend imposer sa loi.
“Bruxelles nous parle et se comporte avec nous et avec les Polonais comme si nous étions des ennemis. Nous avons une impression de déjà vu, l’air de la doctrine Brejnev balaie l’Europe”, devait déclarer le Premier ministre Viktor Orban lors des commémorations de la révolution de 1956 contre la domination soviétique.

La Hongrie, comme la Pologne et la plupart des pays dits de l’Est ne veulent plus se soumettre au politiquement correct qu’entend imposer l’Union Européenne. Ils estiment, comme la majorité des Européens, qu’il est grand temps d’arrêter les migrations, de protéger les frontières et de renforcer l’indépendance des nations.


La France n’a pas dit son dernier mot

Dans la tête d’Eric Zemmour. Journal d’une autobiographie politique.

” J’avais mis au jour dans le Suicide français la mécanique de l’idéologie progressiste qui a conduit notre pays à l’abîme. Mises en danger, ses élites ont compris que la survie de leur projet passerait par la radicalisation du processus de destruction.
Rarement nous n’avons été aussi affaiblis, désunis, subvertis, envahis qu’aujourd’hui.
Pas un jour sans sa provocation, sans sa déconstruction, sans sa dérision, sans son humiliation.
J’ai décidé de poursuivre le récit des choses vues, des choses tues, trop longtemps tues. Pour que la France ne se contente pas d’avoir un futur mais trace aussi les voies d’un avenir. Pour continuer l’histoire de France.
L’histoire n’est pas finie.
La France n’a pas dit son dernier mot “

MS Europa 2 unplugged : Heather Nova performs live on board

  • Exclusive concerts with an intimate atmosphere
  • EUROPA 2 cruise from Hamburg to Dublin

When Hapag-Lloyd Cruises’ EUROPA 2 sails from Hamburg to Dublin in September, guests will enjoy exclusive concerts performed by Heather Nova, the internationally-acclaimed singer and songwriter. As part of the UNPLUGGED music format, she will thrill audiences with her unique musical style in captivating stage shows on board the luxury ship.

Heather Nova made her international breakthrough in the 1990s with her studio album Oyster. Songs such as “Walk This World” led her to her first world tour. Heather’s second album Siren was also a great success and established her on the international music scene. With singles, which have charted around the world, she has also been invited to appear at the biggest festivals in Europe and the USA.

Her music creates a unique connection between different instruments with a very personal style that does not fit into any one genre. Heather combines the sound of a classic rock band with gentle cello melodies overlaid with the siren call of her crystal-clear voice. Her captivating live performances in particular have gained her a large fan base.

The live concerts held on the EUROPA 2 are part of the UNPLUGGED themed cruise format. Unlike concerts in big halls, or stadiums, outstanding musicians appear in the theatre on board the luxury ship, lending their performances to create a personal, almost intimate atmosphere. Another cruise of the UNPLUGGED format will take place in November/December 2018:

UNPLUGGED cruise: From Colombo to Singapore, 29.11.2018 – 09.12.2018 (10 days), from € 5.690 ($ 6,550, £ 4,840) per person. More information online at:

MCE South Europe 2018, Greeces Co-Capital Thessaloniki has the honor!

MCE South Europe 2018, Greeces Co-Capital Thessaloniki has the honor!

For its 4th edition, the annual MICE B2B forum MCE South Europe will take place in Thessaloniki, Greece, from the 21st till 23rd October 2018. This high-end workshop will once more be the start of new business cooperation for up to 200 event industry professionals from the MICE & Tourism industry.

Europe Congress dedicates itself to create synergy among its participants, hence its complex screening activities. The convention bureaus and tourism boards as the MICE suppliers as hotels, DMCs and congress centres come majorly from South Europe/As MICE suppliers convention bureaus, tourism boards, hotels, DMCs and congress centres come majorly from South Europe. Their selected counterparts, the international event planners, are brought to the event destination based on their upcoming business needs in exactly that area. The suppliers get an impressive 35 pre-scheduled and match-made meetings with event planners, all with upcoming leads towards their specific destination.

Greeces popularity is on the rise again and within the meetings and incentives sector, this has been very well seen. Thessaloniki is within Greece basically an undiscovered pearl, that does deserve to be the shining highlight within the entire forum is among the most popular destination for MICE events.

Thessaloniki is the birthplace of very well-known historical people, delicious cuisine, cultural highly developed and offering great lifestyle, yet the views on Mount Olympus, also known as ‘the house of gods’ is what makes the destination absolutely unique.

This year’s edition of MCE South Europe will be held in the amazing seafront located hotel Makedonia Palace. “The historical hotel of Thessaloniki, Makedonia Palace, was chosen by Europe Congress to host the highly successful annual Β2Β forum between suppliers and buyers of congress, tourism and MICE in the area of South Europe. MCE South Europe is coming for the first time to Thessaloniki, as a result of combined effort among all the stakeholders of the city. Makedonia Palace Hotel has played a significant role in the excellent effort that was undertaken to have the MCE South Europe 2018 organized in the city of Thessaloniki and we are absolutely thrilled the B2B appointments and accommodation will be hosted in Makedonia Palace. The organization of the congress in the second largest city of Greece is an ideal opportunity for the promotion of the city as a MICE destination, which is yet to be discovered. We are delighted to showcase the vibrant city of Thessaloniki along with the most iconic hotel in the Northern Greece.” said Eva Saringala the Director of Sales of the hotel.

The unique MICE B2B show will offer the deal flow one-to-one meetings and will be completed with numerous networking and social gatherings in exclusive local venues. The Thessaloniki Convention Bureau will assure the evening program to be a memorable experience for all participants, creating more reasons why to choose Thessaloniki as a destination for anyone’s upcoming MICE events.

For more information and participation possibilities, please contact Europe Congress on:

or Telephone: +420 226 804 080

2017 International Tourism Results: the highest in seven years

International tourist arrivals grew by a remarkable 7% in 2017 to reach a total of 1,322 million, according to the latest UNWTO World Tourism Barometer. This strong momentum is expected to continue in 2018 at a rate of 4%-5%.

Based on data reported by destinations around the world, it is estimated that international tourist arrivals (overnight visitors) worldwide increased 7% in 2017. This is well above the sustained and consistent trend of 4% or higher growth since 2010 and represents the strongest results in seven years.

Led by Mediterranean destinations, Europe recorded extraordinary results for such a large and rather mature region, with 8% more international arrivals than in 2016. Africa consolidated its 2016 rebound with an 8% increase. Asia and the Pacific recorded 6% growth, the Middle East 5% and the Americas 3%.

2017 was characterised by sustained growth in many destinations and a firm recovery in those that suffered decreases in previous years. Results were partly shaped by the global economic upswing and the robust outbound demand from many traditional and emerging source markets, particularly a rebound in tourism spending from Brazil and the Russian Federation after a few years of declines.

“International travel continues to grow strongly, consolidating the tourism sector as a key driver in economic development. As the third export sector in the world, tourism is essential for job creation and the prosperity of communities around the world.” said UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili. “Yet as we continue to grow we must work closer together to ensure this growth benefits every member of every host community, and is in line with the Sustainable Development Goals”.

Growth expected to continue in 2018

The current strong momentum is expected to continue in 2018, though at a more sustainable pace after eight years of steady expansion following the 2009 economic and financial crisis. Based on current trends, economic prospects and the outlook by the UNWTO Panel of Experts, UNWTO projects international tourist arrivals worldwide to grow at a rate of 4%-5% in 2018. This is somewhat above the 3.8% average increase projected for the period 2010-2020 by UNWTO in its Tourism Towards 2030 long-term forecast. Europe and the Americas are both expected to grow by 3.5%-4.5%, Asia and the Pacific by 5%-6%, Africa by 5%-7% and the Middle East by 4%-6%.

2017 results by UNWTO region

International tourist arrivals in Europe reached 671 million in 2017, a remarkable 8% increase following a comparatively weaker 2016. Growth was driven by the extraordinary results in Southern and Mediterranean Europe (+13%). Western Europe (+7%), Northern Europe and Central and Eastern Europe (both +5%) also recorded robust growth.

Asia and the Pacific (+6%) recorded 324 million international tourist arrivals in 2017. Arrivals in South Asia grew 10%, in South-East Asia 8% and in Oceania 7%. Arrivals to North-East Asia increased by 3%.

The Americas (+3%) welcomed 207 million international tourist arrivals in 2017, with most destinations enjoying positive results. South America (+7%) led growth, followed by Central America and the Caribbean (both +4%), with the latter showing clear signs of recovery in the aftermath of hurricanes Irma and Maria. In North America (+2%), robust results in Mexico and Canada contrasted with a decrease in the United States, the region’s largest destination.

Based on available data for Africa, growth in 2017 is estimated at 8%. The region consolidated its 2016 rebound and reached a record 62 million international arrivals. North Africa enjoyed a strong recovery with arrivals growing by 13%, while in Sub-Saharan Africa arrivals increased by 5%.

The Middle East (+5%) received 58 million international tourist arrivals in 2017 with sustained growth in some destinations and a strong recovery in others.

Note: All results in this release are based on preliminary data, as reported by the various destinations around the world, and on estimates by UNWTO of still-missing data. UNWTO will continue to collect data and will present more comprehensive data by country in the April issue of the UNWTO World Tourism Barometer. Results for both Africa and the Middle East should be read with caution as they are based on limited available data.


Useful links:

UNWTO World Tourism Barometer

UNWTO Tourism Highlights, 2017 Edition

International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development 2017


Number of US Tourists Visiting Russia Grows 25% in 2017 – Russian Trade Envoy

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) – The number of American tourists visiting Russia has grown significantly this year, while Russian exports have also performed well, the Russian Trade Representative in the United States, Aleksander Stadnik, told Sputnik.

“Today, American tourists visiting our country rank third after Chinese and German tourists. Since the beginning of the year, the total flow of tourists from the United States to Russia has grown by a quarter,” Stadnik said on Thursday.

Stadnik noted that between 270,000 and 280,000 US tourists visited Russia in 2017.

“That is nearly double the number of tourists from the United States in 2013, after their number decreased in 2014 and 2015,” Stadnik noted.

Russia-US relations have deteriorated since 2014 after the outbreak of the crisis in Ukraine and Crimea’s reunification with Russia. The United States and some of its allies have imposed several rounds of sanctions against Russia.

READ MORE: Russia Notifies US of Rejection of Several Agreements Within Open Skies Treaty

In addition, the United States has accused Russia of meddling in its 2016 presidential election. Russia has repeatedly refuted allegations of meddling and called the claims groundless.

US-Russia trade turnover

The US-Russia trade turnover has increased by 15-17 percent this year and hopefully the growth will reach 20 percent in 2018, Aleksander Stadnik told Sputnik.

“We expect the year-end results to show that trade turnover has risen by 15-17 percent. We will aim for at least 20 percent next year,” Stadnik said Thursday.

This year’s results indicate an increase of about 2.7 billion dollars in trade turnover as compared to 2016, he added.

Stadnik noted that non-commodity goods account for about 97.5 percent of Russian exports to the United States.

“At the same time, there is growth in exports of our non-commodity, non-energy goods by almost 20 percent, high-tech goods by more than 42 percent, innovative goods by 28 percent, and machinery and technical products by almost 22 percent,” he said. “Commodity exports, despite only amounting to 2.5 percent, have also grown by more than 20 percent.”

Stadnik also said that Russia’s imports from the United States are almost 100 percent non-commodity goods, which grew by 16.5 percent this year.

The import of high-tech goods increased by almost 24.5 percent, innovative goods by 21 percent, and machinery and technical products by 20.5 percent, he added.

“Russian and American business circles are actively seeking new opportunities for mutually beneficial cooperation,” Stadnik said, adding that they are looking into developing sustainable trade, unified and transparent mechanisms and standards for commodity flows, transport and logistic infrastructure.

Stadnik said that regardless of the current state of relations between Russia and the United States in terms of trade and economics, the two countries’ business communities continue to actively engage in mutually beneficial cooperation.

READ MORE: Strengthening of Sanctions to Be Overwhelming Risk for Russia-US Ties — Kremlin

The trade envoy noted that Russia supports such cooperation at the highest levels, citing President Vladimir Putin’s meeting with the heads of some 150 US companies at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, as well as meetings that the Russian Trade Minister and Economic Development Minister held with US business leaders in New York ta the invitation of the US-Russia Business Council.

“There were no such initiatives taken by the US,” he added.

Western Sanctions

“The whole period of the latest western sanctions demonstrates that Russia has been successfully resolving import substitution issues with respect to essential goods — the best example is agriculture — as well as attracting investors,” Stadnik said.

Stadnik noted that some investment banks have warned of alleged dangers of investing in Russia given the sanctions, but added that there is no stopping Russia’s economic growth.

“But this is mainly Western banks, such as Merrill Lynch,” Stadnik said. “Russia cannot be stopped by sanctions. This is not a slogan, it is an objective reality, confirmed by the growing macroeconomic indicators and the growing authority of our country.”

In the spring of 2014, after Crimea reunified with Russia, the United States and EU restricted the access of the largest Russian banks and companies to Western financing and introduced sectoral sanctions.


La République de Chine à Taiwan honore Freesun News

From right to left : Mr. David Lin Yung-lo, Representative of “Taipei Representative Office in the European Union and Belgium”, Mr Jacques Schoonjans, Publisher & Editor in Chief Freesun News and his wife Mrs Marie Libert.

Le Bureau du Tourisme de la République de Chine (Taiwan) a tenu à honorer notre magazine en remettant son “Certificate of Award” à Jacques Schoonjans Editeur et Rédacteur en Chef de Freesun News “In recognition of his invaluable contributions in the field of tourism”.

Cette prestigieuse récompense a été remise à l’occasion de la célébration de la Fête Nationale du Double X par Mr. David Lin Yung-lo, Representative of “Taipei Representative Office in the European Union and Belgium. Mr. David Lin Yung-lo occupa par la suite la fonction de Ministre des Affaires Etrangères de la République de Chine un poste qu’il assuma jusqu’aux élections qui portèrent  Madame Tsai Ing-wen à la Présidence du pays.

On retiendra de M. David Lin sa simplicité, sa gentillesse et son intelligence dans l’exercice de ses différentes fonctions. Monsieur Lin devait  s’attirer la sympathie des nombreuses personnes côtoyées au cours de son séjour en Belgique.

Le grand honneur fait à Freesun News date déjà d’il y a 7 ans mais il était bon de le rappeler.